Crowds standing near the first turn of a dirt road during an automobile race in Elgin - Chicago Daily News, Inc.


Title: Crowds standing near the first turn of a dirt road during an automobile race in Elgin Description: View of crowds standing near the first turn of a dirt road during an automobile race in Elgin, Illinois, viewed from across the road. Automobiles are parked in the background. A man wearing a uniform is standing in the foreground. Text on image reads: Parking space on first turn - Elgin course. Date Depicted: 1910 Creator: Chicago Daily News, Inc. Creator Role: photographer Physical Format: glass negatives Copyright Notice: No Known Copyright Credit Line: SDN-056249, Chicago Daily News collection, Chicago History Museum Accession Number: 1960.784 Storage Location: Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago History Museum Horizon Bib. No.: 120780 Max Pixels - Width: 492 Max Pixels - Height: 395 Help improve this content