Automobile driver DePalma winning an automobile race, driving a Mercedes automobile past the finish line during Vanderbilt race - Chicago Daily News, Inc.


Title: Automobile driver DePalma winning an automobile race, driving a Mercedes automobile past the finish line during Vanderbilt race Description: View of automobile driver Ralph DePalma winning an automobile race, driving a Mercedes automobile past the finish line on a road in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Spectators are standing on a tiered structure on the side of the road in the background. Banner advertisements for Mobil motor oil and other products are visible on the structure. Text on image reads, in part: Vanderbilt race. Date Depicted: 1912 Creator: Chicago Daily News, Inc. Creator Role: photographer Physical Format: glass negatives Copyright Notice: No Known Copyright Credit Line: SDN-058077, Chicago Daily News collection, Chicago History Museum Accession Number: 1960.784 Storage Location: Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago History Museum Horizon Bib. No.: 121704 Max Pixels - Width: 500 Max Pixels - Height: 398 Help improve this content