Illustration on page 143 of the Graphic- Wheat at 'Fifty- four'- The Flurry on the Board of Trade- men in hats, boy at left, trading board left midground - The Graphic, Chicago


Title: Illustration on page 143 of the Graphic- Wheat at 'Fifty- four'- The Flurry on the Board of Trade- men in hats, boy at left, trading board left midground Description: Illustration on page 143 of the Graphic- Wheat at 'Fifty- four'- The Flurry on the Board of Trade- men in hats, boy at left, trading board left midground Date Depicted: 1893 August 19 Creator: The Graphic, Chicago Creator Role: publisher Physical Format: Bound newspaper Copyright Notice: No Copyright - United States Credit Line: Chicago History Museum, ICHi-051290 Storage Location: F38AP .G76 FOLIO/Illustrated graphic news/July-Dec 1893 Horizon Bib. No.: 183953 Max Pixels - Width: 12000 Max Pixels - Height: 7825 Help improve this content