Illustration on page 143 of the Graphic- Wheat at 'Fifty- four'- The Flurry on the Board of Trade- men in hats, boy at left, trading board left midground
Title:Illustration on page 143 of the Graphic- Wheat at 'Fifty- four'- The Flurry on the Board of Trade- men in hats, boy at left, trading board left midgroundDescription:Illustration on page 143 of the Graphic- Wheat at 'Fifty- four'- The Flurry on the Board of Trade- men in hats, boy at left, trading board left midgroundDate Depicted:1893 August 19Creator:The Graphic, ChicagoCreator Role:publisherPhysical Format:Bound newspaperCopyright Notice:No Copyright - United StatesCredit Line:Chicago History Museum, ICHi-051290Storage Location:F38AP .G76 FOLIO/Illustrated graphic news/July-Dec 1893Horizon Bib. No.:183953Max Pixels - Width:12000Max Pixels - Height:7825Help improve this content
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