E.K. Welles residence, 321 Ahwahnee Road, Lake Forest IL - Frazier and Raferty - Living room with bay - Trowbridge, Raymond W., 1886-1936


Title: E.K. Welles residence, 321 Ahwahnee Road, Lake Forest IL - Frazier and Raferty - Living room with bay Description: E.K. Welles residence, 321 Ahwahnee Road, Lake Forest IL - Frazier and Raferty - Living room with bay Creator: Trowbridge, Raymond W., 1886-1936 Creator Role: photographer Physical Format: glass negatives Copyright Notice: No Copyright - United States Credit Line: Chicago History Museum, ICHi-059644; Raymond W. Trowbridge, photographer Accession Number: X.1665.1991 Storage Location: P&P: Raymond W. Trowbridge glass negatives collection, Box 336, #32 Horizon Bib. No.: 4869 Max Pixels - Width: 4084 Max Pixels - Height: 3016 Help improve this content