Verso of a note from Chicago Mayor Roswell Mason dated October 9, 1871, regarding the release of imprisoned people - Chicago Police Department


Title: Verso of a note from Chicago Mayor Roswell Mason dated October 9, 1871, regarding the release of imprisoned people Description: Verso of a note from Chicago Mayor Roswell Mason dated October 9, 1871, regarding the release of imprisoned people. Date Depicted: 1871 October 9 Creator: Chicago Police Department Creator Role: creator Physical Format: manuscripts (document genre) Copyright Notice: No Copyright - United States Credit Line: Chicago History Museum, ICHi-064440 Accession Number: 1998.137 Storage Location: A&M - East Basement - Alpha 1 - Mason Horizon Bib. No.: 66905 Max Pixels - Width: 8384 Max Pixels - Height: 3599 Help improve this content