Runners participate in the Rosemont 10k Turkey Trot - Chicago Sun-Times


Title: Runners participate in the Rosemont 10k Turkey Trot Description: Runners participate in the Rosemont 10k Turkey Trot, Rosemont, Illinois, and Chicago Mayor Harold Washington arrives in a car. Marathon runner Joan Benoit did not feel well enough to run, so she remained at the starting line to sign autographs. Mark Nenow placed first in the race. Date Depicted: 1984 November 25 Creator: Chicago Sun-Times Creator Role: photographer Physical Format: black-and-white negatives Copyright Notice: © Chicago Sun-Times Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Credit Line: ST-20002456-0035, Chicago Sun-Times collection, Chicago History Museum Accession Number: 84-11-589 Storage Location: P&P: Chicago Sun-Times collection, digital image only (no associated collection materials) Max Pixels - Width: 3024 Max Pixels - Height: 2005 Imaging Notes: 20002456 Help improve this content