Scouts clean up Dickinson Park - Jim Frost for Chicago Sun-Times


Title: Scouts clean up Dickinson Park Description: Girl and Boy Scouts participate in a clean up project at Dickinson Park, 4101 North Lavergne Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Troops also painted benches in the park. The event was put together by the Portage Park Chamber of Commerce. Date Depicted: 1978 April 22 Creator: Jim Frost for Chicago Sun-Times Creator Role: photographer Physical Format: black-and-white negatives Copyright Notice: © Chicago Sun-Times Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Credit Line: ST-60004909-0021, Chicago Sun-Times collection, Chicago History Museum Storage Location: P&P: Chicago Sun-Times collection, Part 2 negatives Max Pixels - Width: 3024 Max Pixels - Height: 2005 Help improve this content