Chicago Marathon runners and winners - Brian Jackson for Chicago Sun-Times


Title: Chicago Marathon runners and winners Description: Runners participate in the Chicago Marathon, which takes them onto Lake Shore Drive towards the finish line in Chinatown, near 2217 South Wentworth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Kristy Johnston crosses the finish line first for the women's race with a time of 2:31:34. Luis Antonio Dos Santos wins for the men's race with a time of 2:11:16. Date Depicted: 1994 October 30 Creator: Brian Jackson for Chicago Sun-Times Creator Role: photographer Physical Format: black-and-white negatives Copyright Notice: © Chicago Sun-Times Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Credit Line: ST-50003992-0050, Chicago Sun-Times collection, Chicago History Museum Accession Number: 94-10-584 Storage Location: P&P: Chicago Sun-Times collection, Part 2 negatives Max Pixels - Width: 2005 Max Pixels - Height: 3024 Help improve this content